Godot. Create a recollectable item

To make our games more playable, it is sometimes interesting to add items or objects that the player can pick up to increase their skills in the game.

In this mini tutorial we are going to give you the keys to create an item that our player, in our case a ship, can pick up and increase one of its skills. In this case it will be a shield and we will teach you how to pick up the item and activate the shield.

The first step is to create the scene that corresponds to our item.


AI and creativity: Enemies or allies in video game development?

With all the new things that AI is bringing to our daily lives in video game development, we have to ask ourselves what role AI should play in creativity. Is it just an element that we should leave to the human condition? Can we be helped or inspired by AI?

AI as a creative tool

We have to think of AI not as an absolute and total replacement for the human condition, but rather we have to see it as another tool that can help us.

  • Generating ideas.
  • Automating repetitive tasks.
  • Personalizing experiences.

AI as a source… more

The Story We Play: StoryTelling

The evolution of video games has been spectacular, going from simple arcade machines to immersive experiences in fantasy-filled worlds where we can live unforgettable adventures. Beyond impressive graphics and addictive gameplay, the story is what plays a fundamental role in making the game memorable.

Why is Storytelling So Important?

  • Emotional Connection: If we manage to connect emotionally with the story, empathize with the characters, suffer in defeats and celebrate victories, it makes us feel more involved with the game.
  • more
AI and intellectual property: Who owns virtual worlds?

From the generation of content and virtual worlds, to the most evolved non-playable characters, artificial intelligence has meant a huge change in the speed of creation, in quality and in variety. However, this revolution has generated many doubts and moral and ethical questions, one of them, who owns the art generated by AI?

The dilemma of authorship

For centuries, we have linked ownership to the artist, the author, the physical person who contributed originality, creativity and quality to the work. But AI is a machine. Can we consider it as the legal author of the works… more

The Magic Behind the Pixels: The Importance of an Effective Color Palette

There is a visual element that has a very noticeable influence on our perception of the game, beyond high definition graphics, the color palette is one of the most important visual elements.

Why is the color palette so important in a video game?

A good color palette is important since it evokes specific emotions, for example, dark and cold tones to transmit fear, concern, or warm and cheerful colors to transmit optimism and happiness.

Not only that, a color palette gives you a unique and memorable visual identity and helps to recognize your game.… more

WIP. Space Words (VII)

We have also worked in the system to generate new words.

For this, we've created a couple of files in the assets folder. Each one with a huge amount of words, separated by comma. One in english and the other in spanish.


To select a new word, we only need to open the file, load the content in a variable, and convert it to an array, by telling to the split function that the ',' is the separation value.

These will generate an array with all the words.



Then we only need to generate a random number, and get the… more

The Principles of Visual Design in Video Games: Creating Immersive Worlds

Visual design is one of the most important pieces in the development of any video game.

What is visual design in video games?

Visual design in video games encompasses all visual aspects of a game, from character and environment creation to color palette choices and font selection. Its main goal is to communicate the game's narrative, set the tone and atmosphere, and guide the player through the experience.

Main Principles of Visual Design

  1. Visual Coherence:more
WIP. Space Words (VI)

These days we've implemented differents kinds of meteors in our game

For this, we've created the following code :

var meteors = [

Here we create an array where we load all the different instances of the meteors.

Then when we need to create a new one in the game, we randomly choose one from the array, and set the position also randomly.

WIP. Space Words (V)

This week we've been adding a bit of randomness to the game.

For this we've created random variables for both speed and direction of the meteorites, as well as creating different versions of the meteorite with different sizes.

func _ready():
	speed = randi_range(speed-20,speed+20) + (10 * Globals.actual_level)
	if randf() > 0.75 : 
		direction = 0
		direction = randi_range(-speed, speed)

# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
func _process(delta):

func _physics_process(delta):
	position +=… more


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