Godot 3D. Editor

Submitted by tech4life on

ometimes moving around the Godot 3D editor can be confusing. But in the end we don't have that many different movements.

Let's look at them and make a brief summary:

  • Mouse wheel: we use it to zoom in on what we have selected
  • Press the middle button and move the mouse: we orbit around the selected object
  • Press Shift and the middle button, and move the mouse: we move up/down, and right/left.
  • Right button and move the mouse: we rotate our point of view without moving from our spot

There is also a mode to move called Freelook navigation, which imitates the behavior of the games a bit, we can activate it with Shift + F and move around the scene with the W/A/S/D keys and moving the angle of view with the mouse.

As you can see, it is not that complicated and you only have to remember four combinations with the mouse.

Our advice is to "play" a lot with them, until we have internalized them.
