AI in video games: An ethical game

Submitted by tech4life on

One of the biggest problems we are encountering with the new arrival of AI in so many sectors is the different ethical issues related to AI in video games.

Privacy: How far does personalization go?

We have seen that one of the advantages that AI can have is to offer personalized experiences to players, but where is this data that AI collects about our gaming habits stored? What happens to it? Is it shared with other companies or AIs?

There must be certain limits that we can summarize as follows:

  • Transparency - we must be able to audit AI algorithms
  • Consent - players must know at all times what data is collected and how it is used
  • Security - this data must be stored securely

Security: What risks does AI in games entail?

Not only do we have to worry about privacy but also the security of the players and the game itself:

  • Inequality - algorithms should encourage equality between players
  • Addiction - greater personalization can lead to greater addiction to games
  • Exploitation - preventing people from exploiting algorithms for profit

To all this we can add that sometimes AI algorithms perpetuate the biases present in society, since the data with which they have been trained had these biases.

We also have to worry about the dependency that we may be generating in players, they are the ones who have to play and not the AI.

Towards an ethical future

To ensure that AI is used ethically, it is necessary to collaborate with all the parties involved, educate players, promote transparency in developments and promote regulation that guarantees that AI is used responsibly.